The Droplet

At the behest of Artist Marcos Lutyens and Sponsor Lola Karimova–Tillyaeva, I was commissioned to aid in the design and to fabricate The Droplet, a 40′ Aluminum Sculpture of a water droplet with an integrated misting system. The piece was debuted at the Architectural Digest AD Interiors at Monnaie de Paris in 2017, and the intention is for the piece to carry it’s message of concern for the changing environment around the world in the coming years. The Droplet


Black Rock City, 2016

I was thrilled to collaborate with Artist El Nino on his vision for MÚCARO, a 32′ tall wooden owl. Dedicated to wisdom, teachers and the Island of Puerto Rico (where Mucaro is the mascot) this large scale installation was climbable through the spiral staircase that was the interior of it’s body. At the top of the staircase, participants could rotate the owls head 360 degrees to get a view in any direction of the Burning Man Arts Festival. The culmination of this installation was the owls burning, to release it back into the universe. MÚCARO

Black Rock City, 2017

The Ming Ming Project

Ming Ming

My dream is to place my cat, Mingus, on LA city buses. Spreading his message of reassurance and judgement.

© 2025